Day 43

Days: 41-43

Mile: 4285

We spend two days in Vancouver, well actually Burnaby, at a campground with an indoor pool and hot tub. We were within walking distance of a Costco and the Sky Train, which we took to downtown Vancouver both days to see the sights. Three times younger riders offered me their seats. Not sure how I feel about that and I wonder if it would happen in the NYC subway?

The image on the left is our neighbor “walking” her cat. Each campsite was separated by an arborvitae hedge. We had a concrete pad on which to park the RV, a small patch of grass and a picnic table. The other image is from the water. It’s the Olympic Park in Vancouver. All in all our time in Vancouver was good. It’s a big city, lots of people, traffic, and high rise buildings. However, we did find the Canadian’s to be very friendly and helpful.

On Day 43 I had some real anxiety as we pulled out of our camping spot in Vancouver. We headed north on Trans-Canada Highway 1 and Gary and I talked about what might be causing me to be so close to tears.

First, I am not feeling that great. My stomach is causing me problems, which could be the result of a change in our eating routine or maybe just the sushi, we had the night before. But I think I figured out the real cause and it’s the anxiety of the unknown. These first 42 days of our trip were planned, scheduled, and paid for in advance. We knew excatly where we would be each night and how many miles, we would be traveling each day.

Starting on Day 43…. we have no plans. This is by design because we have no idea how long it will take us to get from point A to point B. All the research we did prior to the trip indicated that traveling in British Columbia and Alaska would take patience due to road conditions, road construction and weather or fire delays. So the plan was left open.

Turns out Day 43 was great. First, my sister and her husband, who are also traveling up to the Kenia Peninsula to see her youngest son, are 4-5 hours ahead of us on the same highway. We are communicating when we have a cell signal and we are making plans to meet up in Dawson Creek.

This image shows a burn area along the road north of Vancouver. What you can’t see is the other side of the road which was also burnt.

 We drove through the Fraser Canyon, a beautiful area along the Fraser River. We passed through towns with names like Hope, Chilliwack, and 100 Mile House. The road was well paved, if not winding and narrow in places.

View from the camper where we stopped to make lunch.
One of seven tunnels in the Fraser Canyon.
The Fraser River. Everything out here is so big!!!

We drove 414 miles on Day 43 and found a camping spot on Dragon Lake just outside of Quesnel. The drive was beautiful, but we both agreed, no more over 400 mile days for us!


4 responses to “Day 43”

  1. So glad that you are feeling a bit better. The fear of the unknown grabs us all at times. I am loving taking this journey with you vicariously. Safe travels and sending you and Gary hugs and kisses.

  2. Jeff and Esther (Jester) Avatar
    Jeff and Esther (Jester)

    The last time I was in Vancouver which was many years ago, I found it to be a very vibrant and friendly city. Lots of upscale high fashion shops. Even the Sears store was more like a Nordstrom’s. Noticed a lot of young people dressed like fashion models just off of the runway. Did you happen to see the Gastown steam clock? Esther and I are really enjoying all of the pictures and your journal of your travels. Thank you for sharing your adventure.

  3. Ginger Lang Avatar
    Ginger Lang

    So proud of you for striking out on an adventure with no day-by-day plans. Having family ahead of you helps.
    Enjoy. Stay safe. Relax and soak in all the beauty.
    When you get to Dawson Creek, please wave for me to my watercolor instructor there.
    Love and hugs!

  4. I’m sorry for the anxiety but you guys are such brave souls for even embarking on this adventure. No doubt you will settle in to finding your own rhythm. You have lived for so long with a schedule, now just relax and let go. Woo!!!

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