Time Flies

Day 28

Mile: No Change

We have been parked at my nephews in Oregon City, OR since Day 22.  As you recall we arrived in Portland in time for the swim meet in spite of the check engine light that came on in the Greyhawk on Day 21. 

The good news is, the Greyhawk is fixed. Turns out when we had the oil changed in Waynesville, a hose was not replaced properly. We are extremely happy that there was nothing serious wrong. Once we knew we were good to go, we spent the rest of the week visiting with family and friends and taking day trips.  

I had dinner with Judy, my former supervisor at work. We had never met in person, only virtually, but I had always said when we came out to Portland, I wanted to meet her. We had a wonderful evening. 

We spent the night with my sister and brother-in-law in Silverton, while the Greyhawk was in the shop. They are working on turning a utility trailer into a camper and will also be headed to Alaska.  (More on that later.)  Yesterday, we took a trip to McMinnville, the Napa of Oregon. We had lunch at our favorite place; the roof of The McMenamins Hotel. It was a beautiful day and Mt. Rainer made an appearance.

Today is Day 28. This is a much-anticipated day as Lorna, our neighbor from Waynesville, arrives this evening. We have talked about this day for months and it is hard to believe it is finally here. To be completely honest, it’s hard to believe we are all most a quarter of the way through our trip.

Seeing my Oregon family, here at my nephew’s home, has been bittersweet. We were all here, including mom, exactly one year ago. So much has happened this past year. And so much more is still ahead. My sister and I will be up in Kenia, AK together this summer with her youngest son and his family. It will be a wild and wonderful time with her three grandchildren. I turn 75 years old in August and we have a jeep trip into the interior of Denali National Park planned with our friends from Indianapolis. We still have thousands of miles to travel before we arrive back home. And, my nephew, Aaron, and Tara, are getting married so we will most likely be back before the end of the year. I just want time to slow down a bit because it is all going by so quickly and it will be over all too soon.   


One response to “Time Flies”

  1. Ginger Lang Avatar
    Ginger Lang

    What a wonderful trip, seeing family, friends, meeting colleagues and soaking in natural beauty. Thank you for sharing this journey. ❤️

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